Friday, December 6, 2019

Consolidated Portfolio for Project Negotiation and Stakeholder

Question: Discuss about theConsolidated Portfolio for Project Negotiation and Stakeholder. Answer: Introduction The purpose of this report is to present a reflective writing on the learning that I have gained in my session of weekly portfolios. This report presents the thoughts that I have gained after the classes. This report shows all the six relative topics that I have learnt in each week. The very first learning outcome explains what I have learnt about the operation of complex and diverse non-government and government project contractual that is relevant to the ranged of ICT, build agreements, and managed services. Second learning states about the common arguments using the logic, influence and persuasion factors that could be commonly applied to the competing or/and conflicting stakeholder agendas. Third learning is all about what I have learnt with respect to the methods of project, conflict management, project negotiation, and stakeholder engagement into the project and how to relate them with the consisting asset lifecycles and technology standards. Similarly fourth fifth and sixth ou tcomes have been reported in the report that could explain my learning through my perspective. Learning Outcome 1 In the very first week, I get to know about the commercial planning that how techniques used in commercial planning for the implementation of policies and strategies for building a commercial project in a successful manner. I also learnt about the commercial project that includes establishment of buildings where commercial works could be carried out. Another concerning topic was commercial project management and commercial planning that helped me in understanding the importance and impact of better planning. Their role is much important in the success of the project. I learned about the essential keys that are vital in successful participation in large projects. The participants should have extra knowledge on related topics and I also get to know how much important is the communication and cooperation between the individuals for the successful deployment of the project. It is also important that ethical issues should be taken in account while targeting the goals and I interest should be identified at the very early stage before deploying the project. Following these objectives, I also get to know the importance of negotiation and time delay in the negotiation between the stakeholders. The negotiation between the UK government and government of France let me conclude that the negotiation should be of a good level, it should take time but not much delayed as it could lead to conflicts between the stakeholders. A better and time taking negotiations could lead to the possibilities of eliminating certain conflicts that might affect the success of the project. Summary I have learnt so many objectives related to the successful deployment of the commercial planning and commercial projects including the role of the project management and planning objectives. I have also learnt the importance of cooperation and communication including how to implement ethical issues with respect to the project. Evidence Pea-Mora, F. and Tamaki, T., 2001. Effect of delivery systems on collaborative negotiations for large-scale infrastructure projects.Journal of Management in Engineering,17(2), pp.105-121. Learning Outcome 2 Moving forward I get to know about the importance of communication between the stakeholders and how important is this agenda in relevance to the success of a project. I get to know about the consequences of the communication or negotiation in a positive manner. Successful negotiation includes proper cooperation and coordination of understanding between the individuals involved in the negotiation. In the collaborative negotiation methodology, cultural dimensions of the participants does impact the flow and success of the project as representatives from different background might feel conflict to represent the other background. Types of contract that is being negotiated plays an important role as, the results that are deriving after the negotiation might impact the performance of the suppliers that in return will impact the ability of the contractor to produce and develop a system with specific requirements. The main understanding behind these researches let me know that communication and negotiation at certain topics could led to the elimination of certain conflicts that might affect the growth of any project and by correct methodology and procedure we can eliminate the conflicts and lead the project to a grand success. Summary Negotiation between the stakeholders on their respective agendas with correct methodology and influence could minimize the impact of conflicts and led to the better communication and successful implementation of the project. Types of contract is also a considering factor for eliminating the facts related to the conflict or types of conflicts that might rise between the stakeholders due to misunderstanding and mismatched thoughts on a particular point or objectives. Evidence PMI., 2013a.A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) 5th Edition. USA: Project Management Institute. Learning Outcome 3 This part was very interesting for me where I get to know about the methods for negotiating in the project, stakeholder engagement and conflict management across the projects consisting of variety of asset lifecycle and technology standards. I get to learn that some of the questions related to the cultural dimensions and project negotiations seem to be the relevant topics that could raise the conflicts between the stakeholders that have particular contribution to the project. Negotiation can be referred to bringing everyone to the particular point of thought for the betterment of the whole project and to bring success to the project. Conflict management can be the best approach to solve the objectives related to the conflicts arising between the stakeholders on the agendas from their perspective. It could help the individuals to solve the issues or bargain the issues to a point where the overall gain will reflect the success of the project. I also learnt that engagement of stakeholde rs does not mean only engaging with words or work rather word and work of the respective individuals should be contributed in the project management processes and present their crucial thoughts and thinking on the particular objectives related to the deployment of the project and make it successful. Summary Overall, it can be concluded that negotiating the project and stakeholder engagement as stated above could be the part of the conflict management across the project, as conflict management covers all the aspects related to the involvement and contribution of the stakeholder engagement while negotiating the project. Conflict management could lead to the positive possibilities for eliminating the conflicts between the stakeholders that might affect the project. Evidence Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) 5th Edition. USA: Project Management Institute. Learning Outcome 4 This week was helpful in understanding the facts related to the methods that could be helpful in indentifying the inconsistent objectives that could be helpful in managing the communication between the stakeholders. I have compiled the communication and cooperation methods that are relevant to the topics that I have discussed above or not. I get to know that they were certainly relevant to the topics that have been discussed above and cooperation and proper communication is the key to the development of very good and effective relationship between the key stakeholders. It was relevant because the success of the project can be described as proportional to the good behavior and relationship between the stakeholders and they could manage themselves according to the nature of the complexity between them. I also understand that participating in the conflict management and considering the objectives of the both side could be helpful in highlighting the areas or sectors where the conflict i s arising. I get to know that focus could be given on those particular areas in manner to bargain the possibilities. Project management frameworks and standards could be helpful in a project that could be utilized to involve analysis of various ways of commercial procurement and negotiation of the operations that are being conducted in the project management. I learnt how contract law can be helpful in reconciling and identifying the conflicting and inconsistent drivers and the objectives that could be helpful in maintaining, developing, and managing the relationships with the key stakeholders and also communication between them. Summary This week was profitable for me in understanding the objectives corresponding to the methods of negotiation in the project on the drivers that might provide positive responses in maintaining the proper communication with the stakeholders. I also understand the impacts related to the negotiating projects and eliminating conflicts. Evidence PMI. 2013a.A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) 5th Edition. USA: Project Management Institute. Learning Outcome 5 After the research, I get to know that the questions that had been asked in the first week were relevant as those could lead to the alteration in budget estimation, productivity might start declining, and event the project could end. Following week I understand how project delay could be affecting the budget of the whole project and this could be a very big issue for the completion of project according to the plan. I also learnt that this might lead to the dissatisfaction among the customers and related consumers regarding their roles and responsibilities in the project. It was also very clear to me that delaying the project could cause various issues in many secytors regarding the loss of monetary among the employees by their respective leaders or higher grade employees that will be responsible for their productivity as well as it could also lead to decline in the productivity as discussed earlier. It could be described as the greatest issue or cause that might lead to the involveme nt of commercial negotiation and the team who is responsible for the completion of the project will have to prepare a contingency for the mitigation of the issues that are budding due to project delay. Based on the learning that I gained, it can be said that formation or documentation of project procurement and negotiation documents would lead to the formation of obligatory and sufficient development of the project integration management. I can also refer that the Project Negotiation in Private and Government organization will be willing to establish the use of surrogacy planning in manner to improve the objectives that have been performing within the project integration management. Summary It can be summarized in a small manner that learned the consequences of the project disruption, alteration, delay, and changes in planned activities. I have also learnt the methods for claiming liquidated damage, variations, arbitration, and contract entitlements. Evidence Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Control, 11th Edition. Hoboken, USA: John Wiley sons. Learning Outcome 6 After the completion of all my courses, I get to know that the project agreements and contracts could be very much helpful in serving the purpose of the project negotiation in a private or a government organization. I learnt how stakeholder documents and project progress could be helpful for evaluating the concepts of the avoidance of the provide conflict solutions through the negotiated resolutions. The objectives that need to be involved in the solutions for the operation activities within the project of commercial negotiation are contract documents, the negotiation, and the agreement methods of final offer arbitration. I learned about the tools that could be helpful in learning and resolving the issues related with the problems for which there is compromise, conflict, confront and use power. The initial step should be to get a clear understanding of the interest. Then the people in the negotiation must communicate in an effective manner. Identification of alternatives plays a majo r role. The commitments that are made by the people needs to be maintained and followed. There must be proper communication. According to me there should be a particular agreement and negotiation between the stakeholders that is proper and suitable for the project and could be implemented within the organization for future. This could be helpful in manipulating all the stakeholders towards a single thought and could be helpful in minimizing the conflict to the extent level in future. The types of conflict that might arise during the execution of the project could be declined or minimized to the extent level through the NCTP form of procurement. Summary Based on my learning it can be summarized that I have learnt about the project management tools and now capable of evaluating the project management tools that could be helpful in avoiding or providing the conflict resolution through the practice of negotiated solutions. Evidence YouTube. 2017.Negotiation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Sep. 2017]. Conclusion Based on the above report it can be concluded that I have learnt many things related to the better communication and project negation with the stakeholders. This report explains how I will be applying my learning in the real world and how I would tackle the obstacles that will be laid ahead me while executing any project. The most important aspect for the success of any project can be referred to the collaboration between the team and team members. However, this could only be achieved by eliminating conflicts between the stakeholders that might lead to the delay in the project completion. According to me the most important aspect in the project negotiation is that I will have listen everybody and I will have to make everyone listen about my thoughts and if they does not matches we should bargain by considering the project success. There are many consequences of the project delay that could be eliminated or minimized to the extent level if extra effort has been given on the project ne gotiation and better communication between each stockholder. References Banwo, O., Parker, K. and Sagoo, A., 2015, March. Principles of contract claims managementA review of the Nigerian construction industry. InIndustrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM), 2015 International Conference on(pp. 1-9). IEEE. Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) 5th Edition. USA: Project Management Institute. Bragagnolo, C., Ng, K., Calado, H. and Esteves, M.A.P.P., 2016. Understanding and mapping local conflicts related to protected areas in small islands.Island Studies Journal,11(1), pp.57-90. Das Aundhe, M., Das Aundhe, M., Narasimhan, R. and Narasimhan, R., 2016. Public private partnership (PPP) outcomes in e-governmenta social capital explanation.International Journal of Public Sector Management,29(7), pp.638-658. 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